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Alissa Smith (
Attendance Clerk

If your student is going to be absent please email submit an electronic form at on the day of the absence.  A note is required describing the reason for the absence.  Written documentation of each absence must be received within 3 days from the date of the absence.  Otherwise, the absence will be unexcused. 

Family/individual vacations/visits scheduled during regular school days are not excusable absences. These absences will be counted as unexcused absences regardless of the number of days missed.

Unlike elementary school, attendance is taken each class period in middle school. If a student arrives late to school or leaves early, they will be marked absent for the class periods they miss.  If you get a doctor's note that does not cover the entire time your student is out, you will need to write a note to excuse the rest of the of the day(s). 

If a student arrives late or is picked up early from school, a parent or doctor's note is still required to excuse any missed classes.

Please make sure your student's legal first and last name appear on all notes. For more information regarding Northwest ISD's attendance guidelines please refer to the Student Code of Conduct available online.

Please allow at least 24 hours processing time from when you or your child submit their absence note and the time your absence has been updated in Home Access Center (HAC). 

Attendance Records may be checked online in the Home Access Center

If you see a discrepancy in attendance, the student should speak to that teacher to resolve the issue.

AbsenceQRCode Scan to Submit an Absence or visit